Saturday, June 28, 2003

The Angry Man
Saw The Hulk tonight. My first Friday night off work in quite a few years and needed to go out and relaxxx. Didn't realise Broadway could be so busy that time of night (8-9pm) but then again, its partying night so what would you expect. Stupid me. The movie wasn't too bad, the special effects (of the Hulk) were quite good, and as my friend mentioned, it turned into 24-esque style split screen and we were imitating the clock ticking effects from 24 as it did that hah we were up the top right corner where noone else noticed, so it was okay. Overall the movie was quite good.

Now I've only got one more on my watch list to go, Matrix Revolutions. Although now T3 and Charlies Angels 2 and few other movies are coming out, guess I'll have to watch them to see the hype, but Matrix Revolutions is definate. Another 5 more months to go and counting. Think I've seen more movies at the cinemas these past 12months than I have in the previous few years combined (not counting movie marathons hehe) hmmmm

Oh and the topic The Angry Man jus refers to a line in the movie if you were wondering or hadn't guessed already.... hehe


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