Tuesday, June 24, 2003

1 Down...
3 to go. Exam(s) tonight (last night) wasn't that bad, well not as bad as I thought it would be. I had a 30 short answer exam and a 20 short answer quiz. Thought I was goin to stuff up the exam and go well in the quiz, but it ended up being the other way around. Damn that duplicate question in the quiz as well, think I'll lose those marks there. I'm scraping for a pass in this subject's exams so hopefully that'll make me just make credit or higher upon scaling heehe.
Just spent rest of tonight finishing off the assignment due today but it aint properly done but it works if you don't input wrong data. Maybe fix it up later on if we're allowed to before we demo it.

Numbering thieves!
On Saturday, sis went out up north in Mosman. Parked her car somewhere and comes home. Next day we went out to pick my aforementioned uncle from the airport, whos come up for business meeting for a few days, and he notices when he puts his luggage in the boot that the number plates are missing. He only told us when we were driving back home to go yum cha. I had a look and indeed, the spot where the plate is spose to be was totally bare. Only the 2 screws that hold the plates up remained. We all figure it was from when sis went out on the weekend, some bastard(s) of a thief ripped the plates off and most likely using it for illegal activities (or just plain bored). Such a hassle to get everything fixed. Special (new) plates from the RTA, more $$ spent on replacing and for rego and for insurance and everything else. We dont even know if we'll be able to get our old plates back, have to wait and see. Hopefully. We've had our personalised number plates for over 15 years if I recall and our car looks weird with yellow plates. My Dad came home and kept saying he couldn't find the car and where he parked it, cos he only recognises the car by the number plate heehe. Yes its a bitch.


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