Saturday, July 26, 2003

right kind of phrase
Well well well. Ajamedor sent me this link to the Jason Mraz forums where someone stumbled upon the collection of Mraz photos that I uploaded to my webserver, which were taken by Ajamedor heehe

Credit lie where credit is due, and of course it was found out that Ajamedor was the one that took it and I need not explain as he did himself (read the posts heh). But what a small world this world wide web can be.. still trying to figure out how they managed to stumble upon my blog, and the closest thing I get is a google referral that actually came from larissa's blog searching for "jason+mraz+incredible+voice", so even more weird hehe

Hey, Ajamedor, and a "g'day" to you, too (Australians are too cute aren't they?)! Thank you SOOOOOO much you are too cool for school.
Yes, we are too cute aren't we. Too Cool For School *puts his sunnies on* :D

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