Sunday, December 12, 2004

R.I.P. Jackie
It's been a short, fun 7 years whilst it lasted. It should've been more. Much longer. You weren't suppose to die so young! why why why! So young, so unexpectedly. No reason. No cause. Hope it was quick and painless.

Gonna miss your whining when I come home.
Gonna miss your jumping around and playing with all your balls and chasing em.
Gonna miss you rolling around and baking in the sun.
Gonna miss you stealing food when I yell out "READY" before mum tells you to go and you walk back sheepishly in shame that you got found out.
Gonna miss you giving me your paws when I call "Gimme Hand" and the other one, and start to walk around on hind legs.
Gonna miss your look of excitement when we put on our shoes to go out, and the look of disappointment when its not you thats going too.
Ironically I was only thinking two days ago of how lil time I had spent with you and playing with you since you were a pup.

May you forever rest in peace in doggy heaven.

Jackie "Fei Mui" Chan. 7 1/2 (52 doggy) years young.
12th December 2004


Hi Joel =)

Thanks for the comment...yeah I was going to post one on yours, but didn't really quite know how I should put things or what to say. You're right, I shouldn't get put off by this. Thanks again! =)

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