Sunday, December 12, 2004

Reminiscence is the shits.

As it starts to rain down now, thinking back to other days we would tell her to get back into her house, and she would not listen and jus sit outside the door looking in, getting drenched. Her house that dad and I built. I call it a house as its made of bricks and mortar, with clay tile roofing and gutter, and natural air conditioning. Not a kennel at all. The best place a dog called live in and she did.

At least the Gods are shedding a tear for you as well.

Here's to you Jackie! It's gonna be quiet without you.


Thanks Sheryl!

I hope so too! She's probably barking and picking fights with all the small dogs and stealing food! hehe

Gonna take some time to get use to not calling out "JACKIEEEE" when I get home and to wake her up cos shes lying there on our doorstep like a fat slob that she was hehe and the big fat stomach that made us call her, and she responding to, "fei mui" (fat girl).

It's gonna be hard without her around. Dont know how I'll sleep when its so quiet at night when shes not gonna be barking!

Sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you're doing better now - sorry for my late response.

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