Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Narc'd. Mark'd.
Having to wake up nice and early this morning so I could meet up with the lecturer for the subject I tutor for, I found an sms waitin for me on the fone from my sis, 'wear more clothes 2 uni cos its freezing', which luckily didn't wake me up else I would've been more dead than usual. But it didn't look too cold, til I walked outside and found it rather chilly. yes indeed.

Since I had about 3.5 hours to kill between the meeting and class, I decided to catch a movie. Contemplating to watch movies by oneself is always a tough choice, especially when you can't share laughs, jokes and ideas with other people. Decided to Narc it, as I had heard what an indie film it had started off to be then ending up being backed by Tom Cruise's production company, so it must've been something good. Rated R for heavy violence, language and drug use, probably not something you'd like to share with others hehe but the acting and filmwork and storyline was pretty good. Ray Liotta beefed up for this role and you could see why. Funny to see Busta Rhymes in it too, but he was playing the part of a Detroit nigga so what else could you expect. The whole story leads right up to the end, twisting you round and spitting you back out. Was quite good indeed. Compared to the last cop flick I saw, Training Day, which would probably be more worth watching but is more predictable, Narc .. is jus .. different. More in your face than anything.

Going into the cinema it was still nice and sunny. Coming out it was starting to rain. Still is. Damn this weather.

Having never needing to mark others work before, I don't know whether I should be a harsh, brutal picky marker, or the nice, easy marker for these assignments due this week. I see myself as the easy marking type, since I'm an easy person (read: easy going person :), but if I aint harsh nuff then people arent gonna learn so hmm Luckily theres a standard marking criteria which gotta tick off on to award marks so it shouldn't be that bad. Bring. it. on.


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