Saturday, May 17, 2003

It's been a while since my last blog since I came back from Cairns .. but nothin much exciting happening anyhows. Friends graduations, riss' graduation, work .. uni .. assignments - 2 yet again due on Monday argh!
But o course I would only blog if there was something worth blogging about.
The Matrix. Went and saw Reloaded this arvo, even though I had assignments due Monday .. it was too tempting an offer when I got asked to go .. even tho was planning to watch it next week wif uni friends altho it probably wont eventuate since nothing was planned and everyone else had prior plans to watch it with other people lol so yes, I went and watched it even though uni work is more important (yeah right!). and did it rock my world. Not as much as the chic in the restaurant scene I don't think (watch the movie and you shall understand haehe :) Watching the movie leaves you wondering and asking more questions about the whole Matrix thing .. what the go is abuot Neo and The One. I shall write the spoilers in white so unless you highlight it you wont be able to read it :)
Is the beginning of the movie scene the same scene as the end, or is it all a dream that Neo has .. or is he dreaming back of his predecessors or something .. hmm he wont know the answer til he makes a Choice.. so I guess he made it in the end.
After their ship gets blown up .. how does Neo manage to control the machines outside the Matrix - when he aint plugged in? Is this in relation to him becoming one of them? As Agent Smith keeps referencing that he and Neo seem to bump into each other, that he might have some of him in Neo or something to that affect.... so in the machine world Neo is also able to use his powers - but to what avail .... what will happen to him *shock horror*
So do they only have less than 24 hours before mankind is destroyed? Will Revolutions be based on the last 24 hours .... is the whole thing a lie.. will he just wake up from a dream yet again? And how do the people he fight, die? If they're all programs wouldn't they just replicate or something like that. Neo, after all is just human.
Who is The Source? Source code from hell.

Did anyone else also think that when they did the slomo bullet time effect .. that Neo and Trinity and them seemed to be a bit CGI'd .. if they weren't which I think they weren't .. looked a bit shoddy but I think that was the whole effect of it all .. who knows .. but the action was pretty good .. til they start to fly and bullet time it and it goes slow for a while.. onyl good scene was between Neo and the Chinese dude protecting the Oracle ..

To Be Concluded..
Okay think I've spoilt and asked nuff questions to myself hehe and to whoever may have watched Reloaded or just read the above .. more notes to myself than to anything so I can come back in 5months time to remember what I was thinking about Reloaded when I go watch Revolutions :)
Maybe I shall watch it again next week hehe .. in a more comfy zone besides the 4th row from the front getting a neck strain .. and catch more of the action hmmm hehe


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