Wednesday, May 12, 2004

bloggity blog.
Wow. Haven't used blogger for a long time (since my last post..) and there's been so many changes.

Doesn't seem all too bad. Blogger with its own comments system... so if enefagtation ever goes down then theres still blogger comments to use. Maybe I should start using one or the other, but I've got both running at the same time heh so take your pick.

Gonna have to try the new Mail-to-Blogger function now, whenever I'm bored at work I can just blog by email.. maybe have some even more boring posts from me. yay.

Also this new profile thing. I guess many other weblog systems have that already(livejournal et al) so it was only a matter of time. I've had my blog syndicated via Atom XML for a while (not that anyone would've known, nor many people use it) but its there for the sake of having it. Would be good if they supported RSS, but then again, I have no use for it either.

Work lately has been quite.... quiet and boring. I do actually have proper work to do but well, haven't gotten around to it as yet - which aint a good thing since I have to account for every hour of every day. 3 more days and I have reached the 5 month mark. Boy time flies by when you don't do much. Feels like I've been there for a long time.


bleh! wat is this goin on about

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