Thursday, November 20, 2003

plantin a foot in the door
There ain't been much seriousness postings from me in a while, probably cos there hasn't been much to post about, so I've never bothered with any updates.

I've been looking for work for the past 20months or so (off and on during uni time) which may seem like a long time (and it is). Ever since I graduated from my Bachelor's end of 2001, right at the time of the internet crash, the bubble bursting, which didn't seem to be a good time to look for work. I initially managed to impress an employer with my skills during that time (early 2002), however never ended up getting it as he wanted someone with more commercial experience at that present time to work on projects they needed, so that meant I wasn't offered the role. Never fear, there would be plenty of other opportunities to come.

And come they did. Never to offer me any more than the first round interview. That goin on for about 6months, til I decided to enrol in my Master's degree, which I completed June this year. Not knowing what else to do at the time, doing the Masters degree seemed to be my only option (probably a little push and shove by my parents as well heh). Completing that, I don't know if it has helped. Still getting the same knockbacks as before, still hoping for a chance to come.

3 interviews last week (2 initial, 1 follow up) and all rejections. I've learnt never to get my hopes too high, as I once did, as it lessens the impact. I've learnt to deal with it all, easy come, easy go, nothing to worry about.

Til dad starts questioning you what is wrong.
Was doing the Master's the right choice?
Did you study the wrong subjects?
Is there something thats causing this to happen?
What other options are there for you to do? Study something else?
when 10minutes before that hes telling me not to waste more money on study again (!)

He gave me that talk after I got rejected for a job last week. Ironically, he gave me that same talk 2 weeks before that when I told him I got a job interview for that same company, after being rejected by another one on that day.

I, as I always do, just sit there.. take it in .. and ignore it, not giving him the replies or just my typical I. don't. know.!
It's probably one of those asian parent worries, wanting to see the best for their child(ren). To succeed where they could not. To provide a better future for generations to come.

All these rejections stem from a catch 22.
Not enough experience
How is one, a fresh graduate, suppose to gain experience, when they don't give a chance to. ergh.

More news in a few hours hopefully.

[Update] (2hours later)
Call back from one of the telecommunication companies regarding a job I applied for a month and a half ago. One bad thing about applying to those big companies is that you dont know if you're still being considered for a position cos they take so bloody long to get through applications and reply to you (if you're lucky to get a reply that is!). Interview next week. Just hope theres not like another 3 rounds to do, cos .. that just sux even more.

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